Michael Ball no longer writes high-tech manuals and such. He has become one of the Hyde Park poets. 

Title/PDF Publication MP3 Audio
Ghost Party Havik Anthology 1.8Mb
Blasé Nestlings Griffel magazine 1.6Mb
What She Knew Spillwords 492Kb
Summer Soles SPLASH! Haunted Waters Press 1Mb


Reality Break Press 2.4Mb
This River Accepts Offerings finalist, Robert P. Collén Competition  1.2Mb
Love, Light as Air Spillwords 466Kb
Six Shoes It's All About Arts 1.3Mb

The poems above are samples. Each publication had first rights only to the publisher. Rights then reverted to the poet.

Click on the poem title to retrieve a PDF file of it. In the Audio column, click an MP3 to play it. Alt click it to download the file for playing at your leisure.

Home Mike's resume Writing samples